At Parkview, we believe that high quality assessments provide valuable information to parents and teachers about the growth and achievement of their children. It is important to remember that each child's learning rate is unique and test scores are only one measure of a student’s academic progress. If you have questions regarding your child’s test results, or our assessment process, feel free to ask your child’s teacher, or Mike Zick (Assistant Administrator) by calling 952-431-8350.
Use these resources to help your family get the most out of the assessment process. Please scroll down for our testing calendars.
Measuring success in District 196
The District 196 Research, Assessment & Analytics department is responsible for all district wide achievement testing. The assessment center staff work on implementation of state graduation standards; administer district, state and national tests; collect other information to support revision and development of curricular and instructional programs; and report data to the School Board, the Curriculum and Instruction Advisory Council (CIAC), and the public.
Our mission is to collect meaningful information, report it in a timely way, and communicate the results in a clear and helpful style. The District 196 Assessment Plan articulates a balanced system of assessment that:
- Aligns with Minnesota and district standards
- Supports our district mission
- Provides assessment information that is compatible with information from previous grades
- Provides data to be used by Professional Learning Communities for strengthening instructional approaches
- Utilizes an array of assessment methods which provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate understanding and knowledge
Assessments are an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the goals of education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding. Assessments inspire us to ask these hard questions: "Are we teaching what we think we are teaching?" "Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning?" "Is there a way to teach the subject better, thereby promoting better learning?"
(Schools will have their own assessment times within this testing window)
Helpful links
- State Required Testing Schedule for Schools
- Minnesota Report Card
- Balanced and Comprehensive Assessment Systems Infographic
- Student Readiness Tools
Student Participation
For Minnesota’s statewide assessments to reflect the full impact of district- and state-level implementation of the applicable standards, as well as district-level success at teaching the standards, it is important for all Minnesota students to take the statewide tests. The impact of this data spans the state, impacts each district, and demonstrates clear trends across time. The data on today’s third graders, for example, helps us understand those same students learning in fifth, ninth, and 12th grade. Also, today’s third graders help us understand every third grade class for years to come, and whether changes to curriculum, efforts toward equity, and emphasis on inclusion make a substantial difference to our students. In addition, English learners must take the ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS to exit English language instruction. Without these test scores, students will continue to receive English learner services.
Parent/guardian guide and refusal for student participation in statewide testing
(The parent/guardian refusal must be submitted to the school in writing before the first scheduled day of testing every school year.
See the posted assessment calendar on the school’s website for specific test dates.):
See "Marking Code Descriptors" at the bottom of the page.
Practice test available. Use the word grow for both the username and password to take the PRACTICE test.
The EL Access sample tests must be completed using the Chrome browser.